
Serves as the official PTA liaison between the parents and the school administration, in the school building and in MCPS Central Office.

  • Preside at all meetings of the Rustin ES PTA, the Board of Directors, and the executive committee

  • Coordinate the work of the officers and committees of this local PTA in order that the purposes may be promoted

  • Be a member ex officio of all committees except the nominating committee;

  • Review bank statements monthly

  • Represent Rustin PTA at Cluster level events/meetings or send a MCCPTA Delegate or VP or send an alternate delegate

  • Collaborate with Rustin ES administration to set up event dates and coordinate ICB scheduling

  • Set goals, plan the PTA calendar, and approve committee work plans

  • Help ensure that PTA events and communications are inclusive and representative of our diverse community

  • Coordinate with event chairpersons/board liaisons to ensure event planning is proceeding appropriately.

  • Write president's message for each PTA Back to school newsletter & e-communications

  • Communicate with general membership on internal and external issues important to our PTA

  • Review, proof, and approve PTA communications

  • Sign contracts on behalf of the PTA, but only after approval by the PTA Board/Executive Committee

  • Be an authorized check signer (not related by blood or marriage or reside in same household as other signers).

  • Keep the MCCPTA Cluster Coordinator and Area Vice Presidents informed about PTA activities and successes

  • Keep the communication channels open at all times and in all directions (among administrators, teachers and staff, parents and volunteers, and PTA officers).

MCCPTA President training manual for more specific information and guidance.

VP of Programs

Serve as the primary aide to the President; first in succession to the President

  • Perform in their designated order the duties of the president in the absence or inability of that officer to serve

  • Help the President to oversee and coordinate school events

  • Coordinate after school programs

  • Coordinate with VP of Communications to ensure that programs are promoted

  • Coordinate PTA program volunteers during the school year

  • Perform other such duties as may be described in PTA by-laws or assigned by the association

  • Help ensure that PTA events and communications are inclusive and representative of our diverse community

  • Act as liaison between chairs of the PTA Board/ committees

VP of Membership

Serve as second in succession to the President should the President and VP of Programs be unable to serve in this capacity

  • Create a membership drive plan and implement efforts to recruit, engage, retain, and increase PTA membership

  • Coordinate the membership table at events like open house and back to school night

  • Collect membership forms and dues

  • Maintain a current membership list

  • Give membership fees to the treasurer to deposit

MCCPTA Membership training manual for more specific information and guidance.

VP of Communications

Serve as third in succession to the President should the President and VPs of Programs and Membership be unable to serve in this capacity

  • Oversee the quality and distribution of all PTA related communications, both paper and electronic, to our Rustin ES parent community.

  • Responsible for the editing and distribution of a regular newsletter to our parent community. The VP of Communications may delegate the web publishing task of the newsletter, however the VP is responsible for its quality and content and having it reviewed by the PTA President.

  • Coordinate and receive up-to-date information from board members and committee chairpersons to publish in the newsletter.

  • Oversee/coordinate PTA flyers in school folder communications

  • Maintain communications with the Principal and distribute timely updates that may need sent to our parent community.

VP of Fundraising

Serve as fourth in succession to the President should the President and VPs of Programs, Membership, and Communications be unable to serve in this capacity

  • Collaborate with the PTA board to create a fundraising plan for the school year

  • Lead key Fall, Winter, and/or Spring fundraisers for the school

  • Oversee additional fundraising activities (many of which have their own chairperson). Sample activities may include: Community Dinners, Book Fairs, Rockville Rewards Card Sales, Box Tops Manager, & other online donation opportunities, Magnet sales, and Spirit Wear Sales

  • Coordinate with Treasurer and turn in all funds from fundraising activities for deposit in BRES PTA account

Treasurer and Treasurer-Elect

These two positions work in partnership to maintain custody of all PTA funds

  • Keep a full and accurate account of receipts and expenditures including reconciliation of the bank statement each month. Books to be presented to Board and conveyed to the next PTA treasurer.

  • Make disbursements as authorized by the president or Board of Directors of the Rustin PTA in accordance with the budget adopted by this PTA. Note all checks must have two authorized signatures.

  • Maintain PTA insurance

  • Prepare and file all necessary tax and other forms and submit copies to Maryland PTA within 30 days of filing

  • Present a written financial statement (Treasurer’s report) at every meeting of the Board and general membership, and at other times when requested by the Board of Directors

  • Maintain the books of account and records, in compliance with the requirements of Article IV, Section 13 of the Rustin PTA bylaws

  • Make a full report before the newly elected officers officially assume their duties and support the transition to the next treasurer

  • Have the accounts examined at the close of the financial year and upon the change of treasurer by an auditor or auditing committee of at least 3 people, who confirm that the treasurer’s annual report is correct, shall sign a statement of that fact at the end of the report. An auditor or an auditing committee shall be selected by the Board of Directors at least thirty (30) days before the new officers assume their duties

  • Perform other duties as may be required from time to time

MCCPTA Treasurer training manual for more specific information and guidance.


Record the minutes of all PTA meetings and post to the PTA website

  • Maintain the sign in front of school with updated events – monthly

  • File all PTA records

  • Monitor incoming emails and forward to the appropriate board member or committee chairperson – weekly and as needed.

  • Be prepared to read the recordings of the previous meetings

  • Have a current copy of the by-laws and update by-laws, when required. Assist in updating bylaws, when necessary

  • Submit Executive Board directory information to MCCPTA

  • Assist Membership in maintaining a current membership list, as needed

  • Perform such other duties as may be prescribed in the bylaws or assigned by this local PTA/PTSA or by the Board of Directors.

MCCPTA Secretary training manual for more specific information and guidance.

MCCPTA Delegates (2)

MCCPTA stands for Montgomery County Council of Parent Teacher Associations. MCCPTA meets monthly during the school year on the 4th Tuesday of the month at the nearby Carver Educational Services Center on Rockville Pike. The MCCPTA delegate is the "Voice of PTA". The delegate serves as the crucial link between our local PTA and the PTA's of other schools throughout the county.

  • Attend monthly delegate meetings and report on those meetings to your local PTA.

  • Represent the views of the local PTA at delegate assemblies, including votes taken on issues.

  • Keep the local PTA informed of projects and activities of MCCPTA, including opportunities for local PTA members to serve on MCCPTA committees and information distributed at the Delegate Assemblies.

  • Notify local PTA members of upcoming delegate assemblies, workshops, and forums and encourage attendance.

  • Be familiar with the MCPS Operating Budget and Capital Improvements Budget and the views of the local PTA regarding specific items in the budgets.

  • The Delegate for this PTA may not be the delegate at another PTA within MCCPTA. The purpose of this is to facilitate voting during MCCPTA meetings on behalf of this PTA.

MCCPTA Delegates training manual for more specific information and guidance.